On January 15, 2014, The Nina Ireland Program hosted a Celebration Dinner that brought together the family of Nina Ireland, as well as members of the community and field of pulmonary medicine to celebrate the wonderful generosity of Nina Ireland. The event generated two major gifts of $100,000 to help support our “Vision for a Cure” initiative. This vital funding will help the Nina Ireland Program reach its ambitious vision of combating this deadly disease.
Matching gift of $1.25M pledged to UCSF Foundation to establish the Doris F. and Donald E. Fisher Distinguished Professorship in Pulmonary Therapies and Science in the Division of Pulmonary Critical Care, Allergy and Sleep Medicine.
Seventeen competitive grants have been awarded through the NIPLH, with a total value of nearly $2.5 million.
Matching gift of $25,000 for two years pledged in collaboration with The Simmons Mesothelioma Foundation, to provide research support aimed at finding a cure for mesothelioma.
In 2012, a partnership between Mulago Hospital, Makerere University School of Medicine, the Makerere University-University of California San Francisco (MU-UCSF) Research Collaboration, the MIND-IHOP Study, and the UCSF Nina Ireland Program for Lung Health was formed to renovate the Bronchoscopy Suite at Mulago Hospital in Kampala, Uganda. The renovated suite includes a negative-pressure air filtration system to provide greater protection to healthcare personnel performing bronchoscopy and a video projection system to facilitate the training of the next generation of Ugandan pulmonologists and nurses. In September 2012, Dr. Jeffrey Golden accompanied Dr. Laurence Huang, Principal Investigator of the MIND-IHOP Study, to dedicate the Bronchoscopy Suite at Mulago Hospital and to start a program to train 5 Ugandan physicians to perform bronchoscopy and 11 nurses to assess and monitor patients during bronchoscopy.