Sleep research at UCSF is closely integrated with the UCSF Sleep Disorders Center, an active clinical program with an 8-bed sleep laboratory for overnight polysomnography.
This has allowed for multi-center collaborations investigating such topics as risk factors for sleep-disordered breathing, limb movement disorders, implantable nerve stimulation, and sleep-related disablement. Additionally, sleep researchers have formed collaborations with the Kaiser Division of Research and UCSF’s Institute for Health Policy Studies to establish longitudinal patient cohorts for the investigation of sleep-disordered breathing, insomnia, and other sleep disturbances. These collaborations have in particular focused on sleep disorders in the context of other chronic comorbidities, especially obstructive lung diseases and rheumatologic diseases. Additionally, the San Francisco Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center and San Francisco General Hospital have active clinical programs in sleep medicine, with the VA medical center having opened a 2-bed sleep laboratory in 2011. This is allowing for the development of collaborative research programs in sleep medicine across the UCSF-affiliated institutions.