Nirav Bhakta, MD
Honors and Awards
- Department of Medicine Master Clinician, UCSF, 2023
- Michael S. Stulbarg Outstanding Teaching Award, UCSF, 2018
- Invited Grand Rounds Speaker, University of Vermont, Department of Pathology, 2017
- Nina Ireland Program for Lung Health, UCSF, 2016
- Podell Hewett Fellowship in Translational Airway Research, UCSF, 2011-2012
Bhatia-Lin A, Bhakta N, Deshpande N, Granados L, Adamson R. Teaching Internal Medicine Residents to Critically Appraise the Role of Race in Pulmonary Function Testing. MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources 2025. PMID: 39981263
Saft HL, Bhakta NR, Wong AI, Crowder SJ, Sweet SC, Gurubhagavatula I. The Affordable Care Act's Call for Nondiscrimination: Addressing the Role of Pulse Oximetry in Racial Disparities. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2024. PMID: 39625812
Bhakta NR, Taylor A. Framing the Consequences of Implementing Race-Neutral Interpretation of Spirometry. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2024. PMID: 39212421
Wang RJ, Bhakta NR. The Puzzle of Marijuana Use and Forced Vital Capacity. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2024. PMID: 38271695
Huang BK, Elicker BM, Henry TS, Kallianos KG, Hahn LD, Tang M, Heng F, McCulloch CE, Bhakta NR, Majumdar S, Choi J, Denlinger LC, Fain SB, Hastie AT, Hoffman EA, Israel E, Jarjour NN, Levy BD, Mauger DT, Sumino K, Wenzel SE, Castro M, Woodruff PG, Fahy JV. Persistent mucus plugs in proximal airways are consequential for airflow limitation in asthma. JCI insight 2023. PMID: 38127464
Bhakta NR, Bime C, Kaminsky DA, McCormack MC, Stanojevic S, Burney P. Reply to Haynes and to Wang. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2023. PMID: 37595270
Bowerman C, Bhakta NR, Brazzale D, Cooper BG, Cooper J, Gochicoa-Rangel L, Haynes J, Kaminsky DA, Lan LTT, Masekela R, McCormack MC, Steenbruggen I, Stanojevic S. Reply to: The Race Arithmetic of the GLI Global Reference Equations. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2023. PMID: 37193659
Bhakta NR, McGowan A, Ramsey KA, Borg B, Kivastik J, Knight SL, Sylvester K, Burgos F, Swenson ER, McCarthy K, Cooper BG, García-Río F, Skloot G, McCormack M, Mottram C, Irvin CG, Steenbruggen I, Coates AL, Kaminsky DA. European Respiratory Society/American Thoracic Society Technical Standard on Standardisation of the Measurement of Lung Volumes - 2023 Update. The European respiratory journal 2023. PMID: 37500112
Bhatt SP, Nakhmani A, Thimmegowda NM, Sthanam V, Wilson CG, Bhakta NR, Kim YI, Bodduluri S. Parameter D: New Measure of Airflow Obstruction. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2023. PMID: 36989246
Bhakta NR, Bime C, Kaminsky DA, McCormack MC, Thakur N, Stanojevic S, Baugh AD, Braun L, Lovinsky-Desir S, Adamson R, Witonsky J, Wise RA, Levy SD, Brown R, Forno E, Cohen RT, Johnson M, Balmes J, Mageto Y, Lee CT, Masekela R, Weiner DJ, Irvin CG, Swenson ER, Rosenfeld M, Schwartzstein RM, Agrawal A, Neptune E, Wisnivesky JP, Ortega VE, Burney P. Race and Ethnicity in Pulmonary Function Test Interpretation: An Official American Thoracic Society Statement. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2023. PMID: 36973004
Marciniuk DD, Becker EA, Kaminsky DA, McCormack MC, Stanojevic S, Bhakta NR, Bime C, Comondore V, Cowl CT, Dell S, Haynes J, Jaffe F, Mottram C, Sederstrom N, Townsend M, Iaccarino JM. Effect of Race and Ethnicity on Pulmonary Function Testing Interpretation: A CHEST/AARC/ATS/CTS Evidence Review and Research Statement. Chest 2023. PMID: 36972760
Bowerman C, Bhakta NR, Brazzale D, Cooper BR, Cooper J, Gochicoa-Rangel L, Haynes J, Kaminsky DA, Lan LTT, Masekela R, McCormack MC, Steenbruggen I, Stanojevic S. A Race-neutral Approach to the Interpretation of Lung Function Measurements. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2022. PMID: 36383197
Bhakta NR, Balmes JR. A Good Fit Versus One Size for All: Alternatives to Race in the Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2022. PMID: 35120297
Dinah Foer, Taneem Amin, Olivier Boutaud, Tanya Laidlaw, Joshua Boyce, Nirav Bhakta, Katherine Cahill. Novel Methods for Studying Platelet-Mediated Inflammation in Asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2022. PMID:
Leba CT, Seeley EJ, Bhakta NR, Block BL. A Woman with One Year of Cough Presumed to Be Asthma. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2021. PMID: 34596494
Vempilly JJ, Rashidian A, Jain V, Abejie B, Bhakta N. Residual Volume Responsiveness Testing May Improve the Detection of Reversible Airway Obstruction in Asthma. The journal of allergy and clinical immunology. In practice 2021. PMID: 34536615
Bhakta NR, Kaminsky DA, Bime C, Thakur N, Hall GL, McCormack MC, Stanojevic S. Addressing Race in Pulmonary Function Testing by Aligning Intent and Evidence with Practice and Perception. Chest 2021. PMID: 34437887
Luisa N. Borrell, Jennifer R. Elhawary, Elena Fuentes-Afflick, Jonathan Witonsky, Nirav Bhakta, Alan H. B. Wu, Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, José R. Rodríguez-Santana, Michael A. Lenoir, James R. Gavin, Rick A. Kittles, Noah A. Zaitlen, David S. Wilkes, Neil R. Powe, Elad Ziv, Esteban G. Burchard. Race and Genetic Ancestry in Medicine—A Time for Reckoning With Racism. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey 2021. PMID:
Siddiqui S, Johansson K, Joo A, Bonser LR, Koh KD, Le Tonqueze O, Bolourchi S, Bautista RA, Zlock L, Roth TL, Marson A, Bhakta NR, Ansel KM, Finkbeiner WE, Erle DJ, Woodruff PG. Epithelial miR-141 regulates IL-13-induced airway mucus production. JCI insight 2021. PMID: 33682796
Fortis S, Comellas A, Bhatt SP, Hoffman EA, Han MK, Bhakta NR, Paine R, Ronish B, Kanner RE, Dransfield M, Hoesterey D, Buhr RG, Barr RG, Dolezal B, Ortega VE, Drummond MB, Arjomandi M, Kaner RJ, Kim V, Curtis JL, Bowler RP, Martinez F, Labaki WW, Cooper CB, O'Neal WK, Criner G, Hansel NN, Krishnan JA, Woodruff P, Couper D, Tashkin D, Barjaktarevic I. Ratio of Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second /Slow Vital Capacity (FEV1/SVC)<0.7 is associated with clinical, functional, and radiologic features of obstructive lung disease in smokers with preserved lung function. Chest 2021. PMID: 33539837
Borrell LN, Elhawary JR, Fuentes-Afflick E, Witonsky J, Bhakta N, Wu AHB, Bibbins-Domingo K, Rodríguez-Santana JR, Lenoir MA, Gavin JR, Kittles RA, Zaitlen NA, Wilkes DS, Powe NR, Ziv E, Burchard EG. Race and Genetic Ancestry in Medicine - A Time for Reckoning with Racism. The New England journal of medicine 2021. PMID: 33406325
Bunis DG, Bronevetsky Y, Krow-Lucal E, Bhakta NR, Kim CC, Nerella S, Jones N, Mendoza VF, Bryson YJ, Gern JE, Rutishauser RL, Ye CJ, Sirota M, McCune JM, Burt TD. Single-Cell Mapping of Progressive Fetal-to-Adult Transition in Human Naive T Cells. Cell reports 2021. PMID: 33406429
Wilson KC, Kaminsky DA, Michaud G, Sharma S, Nici L, Folz RJ, Barjaktarevic I, Bhakta NR, Cheng G, Chupp GL, Cole A, Dixon AE, Finigan JH, Graham B, Hallstrand TS, Haynes J, Hankinson J, MacIntyre N, Mandel J, McCarthy K, McCormack M, Patil SP, Rosenfeld M, Senitko M, Sethi S, Swenson ER, Stanojevic S, Teodorescu M, Weiner DJ, Wiener RS, Powell CA. Restoring Pulmonary and Sleep Services as the COVID-19 Pandemic Lessens: From an Association of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Division Directors and American Thoracic Society-coordinated Task Force. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2020. PMID: 32663071
Bodduluri S, Nakhmani A, Reinhardt JM, Wilson CG, McDonald MN, Rudraraju R, Jaeger BC, Bhakta NR, Castaldi PJ, Sciurba FC, Zhang C, Bangalore PV, Bhatt SP. Deep neural network analyses of spirometry for structural phenotyping of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. JCI insight 2020. PMID: 32554922
Durack J, Christian LS, Nariya S, Gonzalez J, Bhakta NR, Ansel KM, Beigelman A, Castro M, Dyer AM, Israel E, Kraft M, Martin RJ, Mauger DT, Peters SP, Rosenberg SR, Sorkness CA, Wechsler ME, Wenzel SE, White SR, Lynch SV, Boushey HA, Huang YJ. Distinct associations of sputum and oral microbiota with atopic, immunologic, and clinical features in mild asthma. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 2020. PMID: 32298699
Vempilly JJ, Abejie BA, Rashidian A, Jain VV, Bhakta N. Air Trapping Correlates with Increased Frequency of Albuterol Use and Severity of Wheeze in Persistent Asthma. Respiratory care 2020. PMID: 32019852
Barjaktarevic IZ, Buhr RG, Wang X, Hu S, Couper D, Anderson W, Kanner RE, Paine Iii R, Bhatt SP, Bhakta NR, Arjomandi M, Kaner RJ, Pirozzi CS, Curtis JL, O'Neal WK, Woodruff PG, Han MK, Martinez FJ, Hansel N, Wells JM, Ortega VE, Hoffman EA, Doerschuk CM, Kim V, Dransfield MT, Drummond MB, Bowler R, Criner G, Christenson SA, Ronish B, Peters SP, Krishnan JA, Tashkin DP, Cooper CB. Clinical Significance of Bronchodilator Responsiveness Evaluated by Forced Vital Capacity in COPD: SPIROMICS Cohort Analysis. International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 2019. PMID: 31908441
Bhatt SP, Bodduluri S, Raghav V, Bhakta NR, Wilson CG, Kim YI, Eberlein M, Sciurba FC, Han MK, Dransfield MT, Nakhmani A. The Peak Index: Spirometry Metric for Airflow Obstruction Severity and Heterogeneity. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2019. PMID: 30865842
Nakada EM, Bhakta NR, Korwin-Mihavics BR, Kumar A, Chamberlain N, Bruno SR, Chapman DG, Hoffman SM, Daphtary N, Aliyeva M, Irvin CG, Dixon AE, Woodruff PG, Amin S, Poynter ME, Desai DH, Anathy V. Conjugated bile acids attenuate allergen-induced airway inflammation and hyperresposiveness by inhibiting UPR transducers. JCI insight 2019. PMID: 31045581
Narla V, Bhakta N, Freedman JE, Tanriverdi K, Maka K, Deeks SG, Ganz P, Hsue P. Unique Circulating MicroRNA Profiles in HIV Infection. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2018. PMID: 30204717
Bhatt SP, Bhakta NR, Wilson CG, Cooper CB, Barjaktarevic I, Bodduluri S, Kim YI, Eberlein M, Woodruff PG, Sciurba FC, Castaldi PJ, Han MK, Dransfield MT, Nakhmani A. New Spirometry Indices for Detecting Mild Airflow Obstruction. Scientific Reports 2018. PMID: 30504791
Christenson SA, van den Berge M, Faiz A, Imkamp K, Bhakta N, Bonser LR, Zlock LT, Barjaktarevic IZ, Barr RG, Bleecker ER, Boucher RC, Bowler RP, Comellas AP, Curtis JL, Han MK, Hansel NN, Hiemstra PS, Kaner RJ, Krishnan JA, Martinez FJ, O'Neal WK, Paine Iii R, Timens W, Wells JM, Spira A, Erle DJ, Woodruff PG. An airway epithelial IL-17A response signature identifies a steroid-unresponsive COPD patient subgroup. The Journal of clinical investigation 2018. PMID: 30383540
Godoy PM, Bhakta NR, Barczak AJ, Cakmak H, Fisher S, MacKenzie TC, Patel T, Price RW, Smith JF, Woodruff PG, Erle DJ. Large Differences in Small RNA Composition Between Human Biofluids. Cell reports 2018. PMID: 30380423
Jing M. Wang, Nirav Bhakta, Mark Ansel, Bobby Antalek, Christine P. Nguyen, Prescott G. Woodruff. Visual analysis of multidimensional CyTOF data from allergic asthmatics pre and post allergen challenge. The Journal of Immunology 2018. PMID:
Bhakta NR, Christenson SA, Nerella S, Solberg OD, Nguyen CP, Choy DF, Jung KL, Garudadri S, Bonser LR, Pollack JL, Zlock LT, Erle DJ, Langelier C, Derisi JL, Arron JR, Fahy JV, Woodruff PG. IFN-stimulated Gene Expression, Type 2 Inflammation, and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Asthma. Volume 197 of Issue 3. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2018. PMID: 29064281
Lachowicz-Scroggins ME, Finkbeiner WE, Gordon ED, Yuan S, Zlock L, Bhakta NR, Woodruff PG, Fahy JV, Boushey HA. Corticosteroid and long-acting ß-agonist therapy reduces epithelial goblet cell metaplasia. Clinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2017. PMID: 28833774
Bartel S, Bhakta N, Christenson S. More Than Meets the Eye: Cigarette Smoke Induces Genomic Changes in the Small Airway Epithelium Independent of Histologic Changes. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2017. PMID: 28762786
Phipatanakul W, Mauger DT, Sorkness RL, Gaffin JM, Holguin F, Woodruff PG, Ly NP, Bacharier LB, Bhakta NR, Moore WC, Bleecker ER, Hastie AT, Meyers DA, Castro M, Fahy JV, Fitzpatrick AM, Gaston BM, Jarjour NN, Levy BD, Peters SP, Teague WG, Fajt M, Wenzel SE, Erzurum SC, Israel E. Effects of Age and Disease Severity on Systemic Corticosteroid Responses in Asthma. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2017. PMID: 27967215
Bhakta NR. By Expanding the Color Palette, CO-Oximetry Overcomes Some, but Not All, of the Uncommon Limitations of Pulse Oximetry. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2017. PMID: 28362526
Duvall MG, Barnig C, Cernadas M, Ricklefs I, Krishnamoorthy N, Grossman NL, Bhakta NR, Fahy JV, Bleecker ER, Castro M, Erzurum SC, Gaston BM, Jarjour NN, Mauger DT, Wenzel SE, Comhair SA, Coverstone AM, Fajt ML, Hastie AT, Johansson MW, Peters MC, Phillips BR, Israel E, Levy BD. Natural killer cell-mediated inflammation resolution is disabled in severe asthma. Science immunology 2017. PMID: 28783702
Bhakta NR. Insights from Recognition of a Contradiction in the Equations that Define the Diffusing Capacity of the Lung for Carbon Monoxide. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2017. PMID: 28248579
Denlinger LC, Phillips BR, Ramratnam S, Ross K, Bhakta NR, Cardet JC, Castro M, Peters SP, Phipatanakul W, Aujla S, Bacharier LB, Bleecker ER, Comhair SA, Coverstone A, DeBoer M, Erzurum SC, Fain SB, Fajt M, Fitzpatrick AM, Gaffin J, Gaston B, Hastie AT, Hawkins GA, Holguin F, Irani AM, Israel E, Levy BD, Ly N, Meyers DA, Moore WC, Myers R, Opina MT, Peters MC, Schiebler ML, Sorkness RL, Teague WG, Wenzel SE, Woodruff PG, Mauger DT, Fahy JV, Jarjour NN. Inflammatory and Comorbid Features of Patients with Severe Asthma and Frequent Exacerbations. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2017. PMID: 27556234
Bhakta NR. Grease fires turn up the heat in autoimmune disease. Science translational medicine 2017. PMID: 28123070
Bhakta NR. Pitfalls of probiotics. Science translational medicine 2016. PMID: 27928020
Nirav R. Bhakta, Stephen C. Lazarus. Acute exacerbations of asthma. Pulmonary Emergencies 2016. PMID:
Durack J, Lynch SV, Nariya S, Bhakta NR, Beigelman A, Castro M, Dyer AM, Israel E, Kraft M, Martin RJ, Mauger DT, Rosenberg SR, Sharp-King T, White SR, Woodruff PG, Avila PC, Denlinger LC, Holguin F, Lazarus SC, Lugogo N, Moore WC, Peters SP, Que L, Smith LJ, Sorkness CA, Wechsler ME, Wenzel SE, Boushey HA, Huang YJ. Features of the bronchial bacterial microbiome associated with atopy, asthma, and responsiveness to inhaled corticosteroid treatment. 2016. PMID: 27838347
Nirav R. Bhakta. A twist of fat(e): Liposuction to treat vascular disease. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2016. PMID:
Nirav R. Bhakta. Pairing the right ingredients for the perfect drug cocktail. Science translational medicine 2016. PMID:
Nirav R. Bhakta. A shocking way to suppress inflammation. Science translational medicine 2016. PMID:
Nirav R. Bhakta. Fire extinguishers turn down the gain on pain. Science translational medicine 2016. PMID:
Ramstein J, Broos CE, Simpson LJ, Ansel KM, Sun SA, Ho ME, Woodruff PG, Bhakta NR, Christian L, Nguyen CP, Antalek BJ, Benn BS, Hendriks RW, van den Blink B, Kool M, Koth LL. IFN-?-Producing T-Helper 17.1 Cells Are Increased in Sarcoidosis and Are More Prevalent than T-Helper Type 1 Cells. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2016. PMID: 26649486
Nirav R. Bhakta. Safely accelerating past stop signs. Science translational medicine 2016. PMID:
Nirav R. Bhakta. Scientists flip-flop: Vitamin C suppresses immunity. Science translational medicine 2016. PMID:
Prescott G. Woodruff, Nirav R. Bhakta, John V. Fahy. 41 Asthma Pathogenesis and Phenotypes. Murray and Nadel\u0027s Textbook of Respiratory Medicine 2016. PMID:
Hoffman SM, Chapman DG, Lahue KG, Cahoon JM, Rattu GK, Daphtary N, Aliyeva M, Fortner KA, Erzurum SC, Comhair SA, Woodruff PG, Bhakta N, Dixon AE, Irvin CG, Janssen-Heininger YM, Poynter ME, Anathy V. Protein disulfide isomerase-endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 57 regulates allergen-induced airways inflammation, fibrosis, and hyperresponsiveness. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 2015. PMID: 26435004
Lawson DA, Bhakta NR, Kessenbrock K, Prummel KD, Yu Y, Takai K, Zhou A, Eyob H, Balakrishnan S, Wang CY, Yaswen P, Goga A, Werb Z. Single-cell analysis reveals a stem-cell program in human metastatic breast cancer cells. Nature 2015. PMID: 26416748
Annie V. Narla, Nirav Bhakta, Jane Freedman, Kahraman Tanriverdi, Kristinalisa Maka, Steven Deeks, Peter Ganz, Priscilla Hsue. UNIQUE CIRCULATING MICRORNA PROFILES AND ENDOTHELIAL FUNCTION IN HIV INFECTION. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2015. PMID:
Simpson LJ, Patel S, Bhakta NR, Choy DF, Brightbill HD, Ren X, Wang Y, Pua HH, Baumjohann D, Montoya MM, Panduro M, Remedios KA, Huang X, Fahy JV, Arron JR, Woodruff PG, Ansel KM. A microRNA upregulated in asthma airway T cells promotes TH2 cytokine production. Nature immunology 2014. PMID: 25362490
Bhakta NR, Erle DJ. IL-17 and "TH2-high" asthma: Adding fuel to the fire? Volume 134 of Issue 5. 2014. PMID: 25174869
Su R, Li MM, Bhakta NR, Solberg OD, Darnell EP, Ramstein J, Garudadri S, Ho M, Woodruff PG, Koth LL. Longitudinal analysis of sarcoidosis blood transcriptomic signatures and disease outcomes. The European respiratory journal 2014. PMID: 25142485
Greer AM, Matthay MA, Kukreja J, Bhakta NR, Nguyen CP, Wolters PJ, Woodruff PG, Fahy JV, Shin JS. Accumulation of BDCA1? dendritic cells in interstitial fibrotic lung diseases and Th2-high asthma. PloS one 2014. PMID: 24915147
Peters MC, Mekonnen ZK, Yuan S, Bhakta NR, Woodruff PG, Fahy JV. Measures of gene expression in sputum cells can identify TH2-high and TH2-low subtypes of asthma. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 2013. PMID: 24075231
Bhakta NR, Solberg OD, Nguyen CP, Nguyen CN, Arron JR, Fahy JV, Woodruff PG. A qPCR-based metric of Th2 airway inflammation in asthma. Clinical and translational allergy 2013. PMID: 23866775
Levänen B, Bhakta NR, Torregrosa Paredes P, Barbeau R, Hiltbrunner S, Pollack JL, Sköld CM, Svartengren M, Grunewald J, Gabrielsson S, Eklund A, Larsson BM, Woodruff PG, Erle DJ, Wheelock ÅM. Altered microRNA profiles in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid exosomes in asthmatic patients. Volume 131 of Issue 3. 2013. PMID: 23333113
Solberg OD, Ostrin EJ, Love MI, Peng JC, Bhakta NR, Hou L, Nguyen C, Solon M, Nguyen C, Barczak AJ, Zlock LT, Blagev DP, Finkbeiner WE, Ansel KM, Arron JR, Erle DJ, Woodruff PG. Airway epithelial miRNA expression is altered in asthma. Volume 186 of Issue 10. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2012. PMID: 22955319
Koth LL, Solberg OD, Peng JC, Bhakta NR, Nguyen CP, Woodruff PG. Sarcoidosis blood transcriptome reflects lung inflammation and overlaps with tuberculosis. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2011. PMID: 21852540
Bhakta NR, Woodruff PG. Human asthma phenotypes: from the clinic, to cytokines, and back again. Immunological reviews 2011. PMID: 21682748
Bhakta NR, Lewis RS. Real-time measurement of signaling and motility during T cell development in the thymus. Seminars in immunology 2005. PMID: 16256363
Bhakta NR, Oh DY, Lewis RS. Calcium oscillations regulate thymocyte motility during positive selection in the three-dimensional thymic environment. Nature immunology 2005. PMID: 15654342
Bousso P, Bhakta NR, Lewis RS, Robey E. Dynamics of thymocyte-stromal cell interactions visualized by two-photon microscopy. Science (New York, N.Y.) 2002. PMID: 12052962
Bonassar LJ, Grodzinsky AJ, Frank EH, Davila SG, Bhaktav NR, Trippel SB. The effect of dynamic compression on the response of articular cartilage to insulin-like growth factor-I. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society 2001. PMID: 11332605
Bhakta NR, Garcia AM, Frank EH, Grodzinsky AJ, Morales TI. The insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) I and II bind to articular cartilage via the IGF-binding proteins. The Journal of biological chemistry 2000. PMID: 10681577